August 2022 update — you can now find the second email package here
For treating covid, the Canadian government says ivermectin is unsafe, ineffective, and not to use it… but the science says otherwise, and so do some PHAC staff.
In September 2021, the Public Health Agency of Canada was asked for all internal communications regarding ivermectin for the treatment of covid. Today (in June 2022) they provided some emails dating from 1 March 2020 to 7 June 2021.
These were apparently originally released April 2022 to some other party who requested the same information from PHAC (see date on the file name).
Interesting highlight from page 23… they knew!
Now consider the official government stance, “There is no evidence that ivermectin works to prevent or treat COVID-19, and it is not authorized for this use.” [emphasis added]
Did Dr. Theresa Tam - Canada’s so-called Chief Public Health Officer - know of this finding by her own staffer that ivermectin could save lives? Yes, it appears the above overview was put together at the chief’s request.
Tam and the wider federal government, as well as all provinces, territories and the dreaded ‘colleges’ (medical licensing bodies) have failed to act on this intelligence. In fact they actively crush any Canadian doctor who dare treat a patient with ivermectin. In Ontario, the College’s ivermectin witch hunt is a blatant violation of section 5.1 of the provincial Medicine Act, which protects ‘Non-traditional practice’.

Health Canada (HC)
Throughout the PHAC emails, officials say that treatment protocols are the jurisdiction of HC, not PHAC.
HC was also asked for its ivermectin emails nine months ago. Their Access to Information team said that there are ~42,000 pages of emails on this topic but have yet to release any. This is subject to an open complaint with the Office of the Information Commissioner.
Health Canada states that as of 10 June 2022, 41,088 Canadians have died of covid. The ivermectin meta-analysis shows an average reduction in mortality of 53% across 43 studies. 22,000 lives could have been saved in Canada by using this cheap, safe, effective, off-patent drug. Edit after update: PHAC cites an even better mortality reduction of 62%.
Health Canada prefers to ‘treat’ covid with a dangerous drug called remdesivir. Find in-hospital remdesivir adverse event reports released by HC here.
A cynical disregard for truth
Evidence-based medicine, reason, and basic human compassion come second to ideology within the Canadian government:
What say you?
Are Canadians being denied their very first right?
More to come.
Email package #2 on this topic here
PHAC Winnipeg lab controversy here
It is remarkable that the vaccines have no RCTs showing reductions in death or hospitalization, and they are promoted broadly by public health. Ivermectin on the other hand has far better RCT data showing reductions for these serious outcomes, and they ban it, or investigate physicians who prescribe it. For observational data it is the same story. While observational data is lauded for vaccines when it works in favour of the vax-for-all narrative (and discontinued when it doesn't), observational data for ivermectin is ignored and denigrated.
Sorry, but you're misunderstanding what's said in your PDF excerpt.
There's a difference between reducing mortality and treatment: if ivermectin somehow reduces symptoms and facilitates the body's recovery, that does not mean that it is actually treating COVID-19. This is unsurprising, as ivermectin is an anti-parasitic, and *not* an anti-viral.
Not to mention that the second and third bullet points in your excerpt clearly show that the evidence was mixed at-best, and the fifth bullet point indicates that more evidence is needing. You're cherry-picking data to reach the conclusion you want.
Please stop spreading misinformation.