Frenzied. Yup.

It reads like the last pages - the culmination - of a murder mystery novel.

Yet, this was murder without the mystery.

We can NEVER EVER let go of this Covid scamdemic. Never.

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Same as Australia I suspect. Potentially they need to get rid of the wiser heads and replace them with the controllable youths with misplaced values

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What happened in Australia was the 7th step to genocide out of 9. I bring it up to people often but I don't think they always believe me that aboriginal people were taken by the military at gunpoint to camps in the Northern Territories. Not because they were covid positive, but because they were from a "low vaccination rate community." You know... they spread disease. Like some other noteworthy groups accused wrongly of doing the same.

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🎯💯 It was one of the first documents I read in 2021, when the roll out was just starting in Oz. The systematic and highly targeted immediate policy changes towards the indigenous groups, were frightening because it told me that this was not about vunerable health populations, it was about eugenicidal extermination.

In modern medicine, vulnerable groups are not experimented on with new tech or therapeutics. You wait to see how the less vulnerable do first.😐

Then the final straw was when they told pregnant women to get the shots.


#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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To the best of my knowledge it wasn't at gunpoint, and at the time I was looking for it. It was done with emotional coercion using pressure and fear and supported by the aborigine representatives. Similar to the mid 2000s when the federal goverment tried to use the army to help shuttle resources to remote communities to stop the countries greatest shame, the systematic child abuse in these remote communities. The most likely complicit/guilty said the army was out there with guns, this was a bald faced lie and helped pressure this investigation into disappearing.

What's open to debate is if these aboriginal peoples that helped pressure the elderly and communities personally gained from the harms.

On that I have a friend that says they have evidence that it was particularly targeted on tribes/groups whose land had valuable resources and the elderly were resistant to compromise. I don't have evidence and that's hearsay though. This is very easy to believe that corporations and public servants that were compromised and complicit gained.

We have all been attacked with a genetic editing drug and for the weoponisation of native title to work(for the UN agendas etc) they definitely need more malleable aborigine's at the helm. Ones that have little to no interest in anything but personal gain.

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The reason I said "at gunpoint" was because when two of the young men escaped the camp they were hunted down and returned, literally in this example at gunpoint, to the camp, by soldiers. Most people there were not subjected to that, but it shows they were willing to go there, and did in one instance, and so I thought it was fair to describe it that way, because if there had been more resistance it would certainly have been the case. However, you're right to clarify this and I'm glad to explain.

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All good mate. The biggest enemy to the aborigines is generally their own representatives with glib words and zero morals.

Countless millions goes to the aborigine councils and from what I've seen they ensure the people rhat need it don't get it. The entire industry revolves around aborigines in squalor and neglect, the people getting rich aren't going to fix this problem (the opposite is true). That means black, white and brindle, the theft from the poor people is obscene and never going to change without honest scrutiny.

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New Zealand)Ardern)…Aussie and Canada were the most authoritarian.

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Good point!

Critical thinking ability is harder to control.

‘Building trust’ and ‘combating hesitancy’ seems to be on top of every order. Why? If you have nothing to hide?

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Also true in Western US as we drove throughout many tribal jurisdictions, billboards and posted signs, and placards screaming for all the natives to get shot up with the poisons, stay muzzled and locked down. When we saw the amount of pressure on them, it added to the evidence that the intent was nefarious. Whether the local health authority was aware at that time or not, it contributed to the ongoing genocide.

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Concept of Operation = CONOPS = military terminology for how a program/system is supposed to be accomplished. Details, phases, strategies, communications, methods, etc.

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it’s down right disgusting what humanity can do to itself , the indigenous people of the world have suffered so much by the hands of the elitist of the world we are all looked upon as cattle sheep to do as they wish upon us. These are the days when I’m ashamed to be a human being watching this happened on our watch.

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White politicians taking actions against the indigenous peoples best interests or health?? Why that would be a first in Canadian History! So Shirley, it can't be true.

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Land clearence🤔

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Yeah maybe aboriginal / First Nations people know not to trust these m***erf***ers and everyone should have followed their example and then some?

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I have worked with Indigenous people and I found them to be focused and intelligent. DO NOT TAKE THE EXPERIMENTAL JAB! Tell these murderers to flock off!!!

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Wait until they find out that they are injected with neurotoxins https://healthythinking.substack.com/p/science-video-21-free-research-articles

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Much the same in Australia unfortunately...

There's a new plan underway in Australia called the "National Immunisation Strategy for 2025-2030"...

(Note the date of this strategy... 2030 🤔) submissions have closed but if you download the pdf of the proposed goals, then you can see their BUSINESS PLAN to try and usurp Australians (especially our indigenous Australians) bodily autonomy rights once more, but this time there is no room to say no possibly, by the way these proposed goals read*:

Proposed priority areas. Priority Area 1: Improve immunisation coverage through universal and EQUITABLE access to vaccination, with a focus on FIRST NATIONS PEOPLE... 👈👈👈👈👈

Here's the rest just so you know Australia is heading down the same road Canada, you are not alone, seems to be being tested in Commonwealth countries.

Priority Area 2: STRENGTHEN COMMUNITY engagement, awareness and ACCEPTANCE OF IMMUNISATION........

Priority Area 3: STRENGTHEN program GOVERNANCE, how we manage and MONITOR programs and account to the public.

Priority Area 4: Use DATA and evidence TO MONITOR performance,TARGET INTERVENTIONS and build confidence.

Priority Area 5: STRENGTHEN a diverse IMMUNISATION WORKFORCE to work with Australia's diverse population.

Priority Area 6: Prepare for EMERGING INFECTIOUS diseases and EMERGENCIES requiring rapid and/or TARGETED VACCINATION...

Note the words/terms: "governance" "targeted" "intervention" "rapid" "vaccination" "emergencies" "acceptance of vaccination"

It certainly sounds like the government is building a web to make sure you take an mRNA nasty, or other vaccine...

If I reword the priorities as they read to me:

Make sure Aboriginals are targetted hard (under the guise of "equity").

Make sure the community are propagandised to accept forced vaccination. Install governance to monitor those who haven't taken their mandatory vax.

Put together a taskforce to target the unwilling.

Upon the next planned bullsh!t "emergency" targeted vaccination of the unwilling will be required.

Like a Jonestown scenario (for those of us awake enough to see mRNA is a long term multipronged poison)

Who needs the IHR amendments or WHO Pandemic treaty when this is being played out within your own country™??


*Capitalisation added by me for emphasis.

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Anyone who has or is still pushing these Bioweapons on anyone must be arrested and charged with Attempted Murder and if in a place of Authority immediately didmissed and disqualified from ever holding office ever again.

Genocide is still a major crome and these 3 Letter agencies are all culpable in at very least Attempted Murder.

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Clean drinking water is still elusive in many of these northern indigenous communities. If the money and effort of the Covid vaccine program had been used to provide clean water these people would be healthier… instead they’re dying at a faster rate than ever ever before.

Here in Cape Breton the Miqmak of all ages are over represented in the obituaries.

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The Keweenaw Bay Indian Community (KBIC) Elders to Youth in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan were paid $1,000 each to get the initial jabs. One hundred fifty years ago, they were given beads to give up their rights.

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Make no mistake. Genocide.

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I don't know if this happened in Canada but in the US and NZ, many aboriginal people wanted to be first in line to get this injection. Our govt. had been working on making indigenous people feel "special" for quite some time. Of course being "special" and thus being more worthy of and needy for the injections was one of the great propaganda techniques used against many groups of people. ("Specialness" was why many extremely wealthy people jumped the line to get the shot.)

This completely cynical promotion of being "special" was yet one more example of murderous intent towards indigenous people. As others said, the elders of these communities often carry the greatest knowledge of the past. This and a spirituality which is intimately connected to the earth and other types of beings, is not something the psychopaths in charge want people to have. It's something they want to destroy in humanity. They also want to get rid of anyone whom they have to pay money to. This is the T-4 program.

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I talked to a nurse who took a job to go to remove reserves and administer the jabs very early in 2021. The stories he told of side effects was horrific. What he saw made him stay unvaccinated and then in 22 onwards unemployable.

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cf Dr. Charles Hoffe's observations and experience in the largely native community (now Lahainaed) of Lytton, B.C.

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Indigenous cultures follow healing traditions stretching back millenia. These traditions are holistic in nature. Historically, disease has been thought to have spiritual causes, necessitating consulting individuals with access to the spirit world, such as Priests-priestesses, Shamans, Oracles, and Medicine men. These traditional healers utilize spiritual and physical medicine in an effort to treat the whole man spiritually and physically. This stands in contrast to modern science-based medicine which posits that disease has physical causes only. Conflict between these two belief systems produces mistrust of modern medicine among Indigenous peoples. Forcing modern medicine upon them is not only a violation of their bodily autonomy, it is a violation of their spiritual-religious beliefs.

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