Ivermectin internal emails at Health Canada
during the height of vaccine pandemonium: Jan-Sep 2021
This article has HC emails re ivermectin. Find PHAC emails re ivm here: June 2022 and Aug 2022.
The following info package was released by the Canadian government in Jan 2023. It required an official complaint to the Information Commissioner and ~16 months wait. But even government can move eventually! Thanks guys
The full package is downloadable below, in four parts.
Health Canada is well aware of the public’s desire for ivermectin to treat covid
Health Canada - like PHAC - is aware of credible evidence that ivermectin significantly reduces mortality, yet proclaims “There is no evidence that ivermectin works to prevent or treat COVID-19, and it is not authorized for this use.”
Health Canada searched for evidence that ivermectin is dangerous and found none (0 adverse events of any kind for oral ivermectin, 7 non-serious reports for topical ivermectin), yet says it “may cause serious health problems”
Health Canada correctly says it has no jurisdiction over doctors using ivermectin to treat covid off-label, yet provincial regulators (the ‘Colleges’) rely on Health Canada guidance when persecuting the brave doctors who prescribe the drug
Nobel-prize winning ivermectin - a WHO ‘essential medicine’ since 1987 - is very difficult to obtain in Canada. Three years in, the first-line medicine is unavailable. Meanwhile, Health Canada counts hundreds of covid deaths every week.
At one point it was said there were >40,000 pages under review for this release. 1,302 pages survived the gauntlet, with lots of duplicated messages across email threads. Further redactions are peppered throughout, including under s. 69 of the Access to Info Act (‘cabinet confidence’, ie., elite secrecy).
Nevertheless, this glance inside confirms what many of us suspected.
Highlights have been extracted below for your perusal. Cutoff date is 25 Sep 2021.
Part 1 / 4

Part 2 / 4
Part 3 / 4
Part 4 / 4

Find ivermectin emails from Public Health Agency of Canada here and here.
Wow, now we have insight behind the curtain. I honestly feel like I'm reading correspondence from demons planning their latest hellish escapade. Any idea *why* though? Are they evil? Corrupt? Stupid? All of the above?
And no one will be held accountable by the looks of it 😭