Fascinating. So it just happens that moriarty or john paul or whoever it is wrote up some analysis based on some recent science around fibrinogen and spike protein https://hiddencomplexity.substack.com/p/fibrin-spike-protein-and-the-mystery?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=597993&post_id=148272457&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=n4pq7&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email

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They care zero for human life. Why on earth would they even think to care about animals?

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Also, critical feedback - I did not repost the article because it encourages the use of the horribly flawed ChatGPT for scientific analysis. ChatGPT is provably dumber than a child and is rife with bias. I cannot endorse such articles that make use of it. It is a bit like saying you asked Tony Blair to give you his opinion on the matter.

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"“unscheduled deaths”? J&J — page 181"

So, what this means is, when conducting tests on animals, they pick a specific day in which to murder them all so they can analyse their various dead organs under microscope. These deaths are scheduled. In this case I believe they were scheduled to die on Day 20 of the experiment.

When it says "no unscheduled deaths" it is jargon for 'the mice did not suddenly die for no reason at all unexpectedly prior to their pre-scheduled execution'. Of course they won't; they were murdered within 20 days, which guarantees they won't spontaneously die. Can't spontaneously die to the shot if you're already dead.

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Why do governments in each country issue blacked-out documents? Public health doctors want to hang on to their current jobs that pay them, because if they are held accountable, they will not be able to make a living in other professions. This tendency is seen in bureaucrats and general public officials in general. Isn't it necessary to have an ethics committee for civil servants made up of competent ordinary people? Politicians who are not involved in vested interests would agree.

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Email ALL mpp, MP, and senators in Canada

Subject: Official Notice of Service: Peace Treaty Declaration per Law of War Manual Section 12.4 & 15

Body: This is an official notice of service under a white flag of truce, per the Law of War Manual section 12.4, of our formal peace treaty. See attached for full treaty as well as https://tgpeacetreaty.com/


If you are a member of the Judge Advocate Generals we the civilian casualties/victims require your assistance. The treaty contains evidence exposing war crimes at the local, provincial and national levels.

If you are not part of the hostile belligerents/crime syndicate mentioned in the treaty read below:

Per the Law of War Manual section 12.4 “White flag of truce” we (the neutral, civilian non-combatants) now designate the men and women acting as parliament/Members of Parliament/Members of Provincial Parliament of Canada as our “parliamentaire”/custodians of the treaty to act as negotiators vis-a-vis the hostile belligerents (ie current de facto governments/crime syndicates as defined in this treaty below). These negotiations will be done per the Law of War Manual sections 11 & 10 for the reparations/restitution/restoration/redress that is due to the civilian casualties resulting from the ongoing attack/violations of the Law of War Manual/treason committed by the hostile belligerents. While engaging in a decades old cognitive/5th generation warfare attack and masquerading as a legitimate government the hostile belligerents have broken their oaths and abandoned their lawful duty of care to all men and women and their sons and daughters living on terra firma Canada and the United States. The parliamentaire has the obligation to negotiate on behalf of the damaged civilian casualties and to make right what is/was wrong and begin to restore what was lost due to the past and ongoing war crimes of the hostile belligerents.

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