May 10, 2023Liked by Scoops McGoo

Scoops, Could you do an investigation into (fuggin') Advertising formerly illegal in Canada. Now ..Rybelsus!! Ads on Blue Jay's games. Disgusting Pharma infiltration. No black box warning! No mention of what it's for! Worse in world? 'Ask your doctor' my ass.

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To quote Byram Bridle..

" I no longer recognize the country to which I was born"

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An illegitimate government telling people what to do. Lol. We all need to ignore these liars, these parasites of not only the economy (whats left of it) but of our souls. Fuck the government, before it fucks you.

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All are welcome to participate in the peace treaty, or start their own with their group ‼️

Restorative justice. Reparations. Restitution. Redemption (we have to give them ONE MORE CHANCE to redeem themselves.... As hard as it is)


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