City of Toronto bribed by Metrolinx over subway-line tree removal?
"... enhanced compensation was provided to the City of Toronto at a rate approximately 5 times higher than normal to support future restoration of the vegetation. This was determined warranted..."
New documents released under Ontario’s dubiously expensive Freedom of Information Act shed new light on Metrolinx’s ongoing takedown of thousands of trees across Toronto for the redundant Ontario Line subway. Metrolinx is a ‘Crown agency’ (corporate-government chimera) formed in 2006.
Context: Eglinton straight-line construction (owned by Metrolinx) began in 2011 and has yet to open as of writing. Now, the ‘Ontario Line’ is planned to wind across Toronto’s core and closures are currently disrupting major routes already covered by bus, streetcar and subway. Decades of compounding congestion and costs await unless the line is briskly abandoned.
On the same provincial corruption theme, a federal criminal probe was opened in October 2023 re Ontario’s since-reversed decision to sell off the agricultural Greenbelt to ‘developers’. The province believes it sane to construct 1.5m new housing units by 2031, and has lured mayors with new antidemocratic powers and cash to go along with the ‘housing’ agenda.
The Ontario Line is projected to magically open in 2031 too.
Two downtown hotspots for tree takedowns are the historic grounds of the Osgoode Hall courthouse at Queen St. and University Ave., as well as Moss Park at Queen and Sherbourne St.

In a supposed rush to ‘green’ Toronto - a city where the mayor now wants to rain tax residents - Metrolinx made sure to destroy the trees before any birds would need them for spring nesting.

Law Society of Ontario v. Metrolinx, 2023 ONSC 1169
Haudenosaunee Development Institute v. Metrolinx, 2023 ONCA 144

Meanwhile, less than a mile east of Osgoode Hall, Metrolinx steamrolled the locally beloved Moss Park.

Next on the chopping block: Ontario Place
With Austrian spa firm Therme now holding a century-long currently-secret lease agreement which purportedly entitles it to flatten Ontario Place, more than 800 trees on Lake Ontario are marked for clearcut by poor men ‘just following orders’.

With all the gene editing, blood changing going on in the unaware masses who were not informed and who did NOT give permission ... we're way past time for taking our world back from the socio-criminocracy/paths that somehow the somnambulant keep voting into office ... it's possible ... if we WILL!
Every time a tree is cut down for no good reason, an angel loses its wings...... 👼